When I heard
about the new Eyeko Eyeliner
Bar launching in Selfridges
last week I couldn't believe that no one else had thought of it until now. It's
kind of genius. Want a cat eye like Alexa, but can't quite manage to get your
flicks on fleek...? Then this is the place for you. All you do is choose
from the menu above and one of the eyeliner experts from the Eyeko team will
transorm your eyes from basic to badass in minutes.
Last week I
headed down to the Eyeko Eyeliner and Lash Bar in Harvey Nichols in
Knightsbridge (their flagship) to get mine done. Too be honest, I was nervous
and curious (in a cynical way) about how it would turn out, only because, until
recently, I have been wearing a 60's flick my entire makeup life, and can
probably do my eyeliner with my eyes closed. So unlike me, who always gets
asked to asked to do other people's eyeliner, I have never let anyone else
touch my eyes...they never seem to get it right.

I arrived
eyeliner, and mascara-less to Harvey Nicols, and was welcomed to the counter by
the amazing Isabel, who heads up the Eyeko team in London. If you're not aware
of Eyeko, they are a UK based makeup brand which focus on they eyes only. The
counter reflects their rock n roll aesthetic - it's super cool, dark, glossy,
and futuristic. The hologram (above) and the screens demonstrate what each
product does and the looks that can be created. The possibilities are endless,
but the 8 eyeliner menu is inspired by the some of the most 'eyekonic' eyeliner
looks from Alexa Chung (the Eyeko Ambassador) Audrey Hepburn, Kate Moss and
Bridget Bardot, created to make your lives easier. I wanted the Alexa, but as
you can see below, ended up with the Bardot.
Isabel working her magic
Front view
Each look is
created using a different eyeliner. For my Alexa/Bardot, Isabel used the Alexa
Eye Do which has a precision tip to create the perfect line. It was done in
seconds. I was so scared I would hate it. I even stopped Isabel midway to take
a picture for my Instagram page and was shocked at how thick it was...but I had
to suck it up, and let her do her thing.
When she was
finished, I couldn't believe how amazing it looked.
So lesson
learned - I realised how easy it is to get into a makeup rut. Even when you're
used to knowing each line and shape of your face, and the way you always look.
Having someone else do your makeup helps you break free and experiment.
Side view
Before I had
my eyeliner done, I was offered a Bespoke Mascara
which would be made up on the day. It's something that Eyeko do which is
tailored to your personal eyelash needs. There are over 100 possibilitie,
therefore the mascara's don't have names. It's great if you're like me and
think your lashes are a lost cause, and you're totally clueless about how to
make them look better. You even get it in a cute box with a mirror and guitar
pick which can also make an amazing gift as the box is personalised with your
My Bespoke Mascara
So, Isabel
diagnosed me - long eyelashes but they are super fine and straight so they need
help with curling and volume. She found me a formula from a tray of about 20
mascara's and combined it with a brush tailored to my needs, and applied it
using a lash boost which I will review later this month. My eyelashes looked
insane. I have never seen them look better. I'm not a fake lash fan, and I
swear these looked like extensions, but still natural. It was a miracle! I was
told that the formula is an ultra black colour, with locked in definition so it
lasts all day. The gel and cellulose powder lets you build the lashes up and
creates body and lift. The brush that was chosen for me helps to curve and manoeuver
around the smaller lashes. It was so fast and easy to do. I'm super excited to
try it myself at home.
Isabel sorted my eyebrows out as they had rubbed off slightly and were not
I would
highly reccomend Eyeko eyelash/eyebrow/eyeliner bars to everyone. It's a fairly
new brand, and even though they have put a lot of effort into their marketing
and celebrity endorsement, I genuinely think that they do some of the best
eyeliner pens on the market. Also, if you're like me and think you know your
sh*t when it comes to your eyeliner, try having someone else do it for you,
it's liberating and might change your opinion about your face. You'll see
yourself with brand new eyes.
Mascara £30
Eyeliner Bar £15 includes Black
Magic Liquid Eyeliner
Alexa Chung Eye Do
Eyelier £15
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